
Launching our Faculty Well-Being Survey

by Nina L. Kumar

Posted on January 20, 2020

Faculty Wellbeing Survey

A review of decades of resilience research has found that fostering care for a child’s primary caregiver is a critical factor in maximizing the resilience of at-risk children. Caregivers will not be able to provide for and help children if they feel depleted themselves. Because of this, we’ve decided to launch our new Faculty Well-Being Survey to enable schools to closely track levels of faculty burnout and well-being.

According to a 2013 Gallup Poll, 46% of teachers reported feeling high daily levels of stress, highest among the professions measured. How are teachers able to care for their students' mental health needs when they are struggling themselves?

In a forthcoming publication in the International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, we discuss teachers' responsibilities for students’ mental health. According to the findings, students at high achieving schools showed “rates of anxious-depressed symptoms six to seven times those in national norms on average”. The paper highlights how the unique challenges faced by high-achieving students can further exacerbate teachers' already high levels of stress. It is important for schools to understand the issues faced by these teachers, and provide the needed support.

To facilitate this, our Faculty Well-Being Survey illuminates levels of stress, distress, and positive well-being among adults at school, as well as factors that are most strongly linked with healthy outcomes. After survey administration, we provide schools with actionable recommendations on how to best improve faculty well-being. Every school is unique and the suggestions provided are tailored to the school’s specific climate.

Participating schools will be provided with:

  • a set of interactive dashboards to better understand and explore faculty well-being
  • a focused list of top priorities to improve faculty well-being
  • a comparison to other similar institutions, allowing leadership to contextualize their information
  • an opportunity to meet with experts to discuss findings and formulate plans to address faculty needs

Teachers are the front line for student mental health and well-being; if their well-being needs aren’t met, then they won’t be able to meet the needs of their students. We can help you understand your faculty’s needs, and provide them with the tools to resources to be successful!

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