
COVID-19 Resilience Surveys

Identify and prioritize the top focus areas to improve well-being

Resilience Survey Going Well Dashboard

COVID-19 Initiatives

COVID has triggered unique and dynamic issues affecting mental health. It is crucial for schools to respond to challenges in targeted, focused ways in order to foster resilience among their students, faculty, and staff. To help schools identify the factors most likely impacting their own community's well-being and take proactive actions, AC has updated our surveys to include measures specific to COVID-related challenges.

Student Resilience Survey (SRS)

Ask our team about how to receive a free administration

What Your School Receives Student Resilience Survey:
  • Targeted survey, specifically assessing measures of student well-being (i.e., anxiety, depression), and modifiable aspects of student life most relevant to the current climate (i.e., feelings of connectedness, learning efficacy)
SRS Report with Interactive Dashboards:
  • Measures of student well-being with the ability to view data by demographic variables (such as grade, ethnicity,…)
  • Distilled insights from qualitative responses to open-ended questions on student concerns, areas in which the school is doing well, and potential areas for improvement
  • Top focus areas for improving resilience, including best practices from research, insights from other schools, and suggestions from students
Results Debrief:
  • 1-hour discussion with AC team to review results and discuss recommendations
  • ~15 minutes, administered online
  • Results delivered in ~3 weeks
  • Designed for students in grades 6 – 12 (survey for students in grades 2-5 available separately)
  • Survey opt-out form provided

Faculty Resilience Survey (FRS)

Ask our team about how to receive a free administration

What Your School Receives Faculty Resilience Survey:
  • Targeted survey, specifically assessing measures of faculty well-being (i.e., burnout), and modifiable aspects of life most relevant to the current climate (i.e., feelings of connectedness, teaching efficacy)
FRS Report with Interactive Dashboards:
  • Measures of faculty well-being, with the ability to view data by demographic variables (i.e., school role, number of years employed)
  • Distilled insights from qualitative responses to open-ended questions on faculty concerns, areas in which the school is doing well, and potential areas for improvement
  • Top focus areas for improving resilience, including best practices from research, insights from other schools, and suggestions from faculty
Results Debrief:
  • 1-hour discussion with AC team to review results and discuss recommendations
  • ~20 minutes, administered online
  • Results delivered in ~3 weeks
  • Applicable to all school employees (faculty / staff / administration)